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Course Description

For most of us, team­work is a part of every­day life. Whether it’s at home, in the com­mu­nity, or at work, we are often expected to be a func­tional part of a per­form­ing team. Hav­ing a strong team will ben­e­fit any orga­ni­za­tion and will lead to more suc­cesses than not.

The Team­work And Team Build­ing course will encour­age you to explore the dif­fer­ent aspects of a team, as well as ways that you can become a top-​notch team per­former. You will be given the details and con­cepts of what makes up a team, and what fac­tors into being a suc­cess­ful team and team member.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Describe the con­cept of a team, and its fac­tors for success
  • Explain the four phases of the Tuck­man team devel­op­ment model and define their characteristics
  • List the three types of teams
  • Describe actions to take as a leader – and as a fol­lower for each of the four phases (Form­ing, Storm­ing, Norm­ing and Performing)
  • Dis­cuss the uses, ben­e­fits and dis­ad­van­tages of var­i­ous team-​building activities
  • Describe sev­eral team-​building activ­i­ties that you can use, and in what settings
  • Fol­low strate­gies for set­ting and lead­ing team meetings
  • Detail problem-​solving strate­gies using the Six Think­ing Hats model — and one consensus-​building approach to solv­ing team problems
  • List actions to do — and those to avoid — when encour­ag­ing teamwork

Course Features

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Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Defining Success
Module Three: Types of Teams
Module Four: The First Stage of Team Development – Forming
Module Five: The Second Stage of Team Development – Storming
Module Six: The Third Stage of Team Development – Norming
Module Seven: The Fourth Stage of Team Development – Performing
Module Eight: Team Building Activities
Module Nine: Making the Most of Team Meetings
Module Ten: Solving Problems as a Team
Module Eleven: Encouraging Teamwork
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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