Measuring Results from Training Course

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Course Description

Although we all know that train­ing can have many amaz­ing ben­e­fits, some­times it can be hard to prove those ben­e­fits and attach a dol­lar value to train­ing. Some top­ics, like sales train­ing or time man­age­ment, might have direct, tan­gi­ble ben­e­fits. Other top­ics, like com­mu­ni­ca­tion or lead­er­ship, might have ben­e­fits that you can’t put a dol­lar value on.

Our Mea­sur­ing Results From Train­ing course, you will learn about the dif­fer­ent ways to eval­u­ate train­ing progress, and how to use those results to demon­strate the results that train­ing brings. Once the train­ing has been eval­u­ated the next step is to mod­ify and updated the cur­ricu­lum to cre­ate a con­tent that is bet­ter suited for the participants.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Under­stand Kolb’s learn­ing styles and learn­ing cycle
  • Under­stand Kirkpatrick’s lev­els of evaluation
  • Be famil­iar with many types of eval­u­a­tion tools, includ­ing goal set­ting, tests, reac­tionary sheets, inter­views, obser­va­tions, hip-​pocket assess­ments, skill assess­ments, and learn­ing journals
  • Under­stand when to use each type of eval­u­a­tion tool
  • Be able to per­form a needs assessment
  • Know how to write learn­ing objec­tives and link them to evaluation
  • Be able to write an eval­u­a­tion plan to eval­u­ate learn­ing at each stage of the train­ing and far beyond
  • Know how to iden­tify the costs, ben­e­fits, and return on invest­ment of training
  • Be famil­iar with the parts of a busi­ness case

Course Features

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Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Kolb’s Learning Styles
Module Three: Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation
Module Four: Types of Measurement Tools
Module Five: Focusing the Training
Module Six: Creating an Evaluation Plan
Module Seven: Assessing Learning before Training
Module Eight: Assessing Learning during Training
Module Nine: Assessing Learning after Training
Module Ten: The Long Term View
Module Eleven: Calculating the Return on Investment (ROI)
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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