Employee Motivation Course

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Course Description

When you think of staff moti­va­tion, many things may come to mind: more money, a big­ger office, a pro­mo­tion, or a bet­ter qual­ity of life. The truth is, no mat­ter what we offer peo­ple, true moti­va­tion must come from within. Regard­less of how it is char­ac­ter­ized, it is impor­tant to get the right bal­ance in order to ensure that you have a moti­vated workforce.

The Employee Moti­va­tion course will give par­tic­i­pants sev­eral types of tools to become a great moti­va­tor, includ­ing goal set­ting and influ­enc­ing skills. Par­tic­i­pants will also learn about five of the most pop­u­lar moti­va­tional mod­els, and how to bring them together to cre­ate a cus­tom program.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Defin­ing moti­va­tion, an employer’s role in it and how the employee can play a part
  • Iden­ti­fy­ing the impor­tance of Employee Motivation
  • Iden­ti­fy­ing meth­ods of Employee Motivation
  • Describ­ing the the­o­ries which per­tain to Employee Moti­va­tion – with par­tic­u­lar ref­er­ence to psychology
  • Iden­ti­fy­ing per­son­al­ity types and how they fit into a plan for Employee Motivation.
  • Set­ting clear and defined goals.
  • Iden­ti­fy­ing spe­cific issues in the field, and address­ing these issues and how to main­tain this going forward.

Course Features

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Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: A Psychological Approach
Module Three: Object-Oriented Theory
Module Four: Using Reinforcement Theory
Module Five: Using Expectancy Theory
Module Six: Personality’s Role in Motivation
Module Seven: Setting Goals
Module Eight: A Personal Toolbox
Module Nine: Motivation on the Job
Module Ten: Addressing Specific Morale Issues
Module Eleven: Keeping Yourself Motivated
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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